I completely forgot to post this on St.Pattys Day (March 17th). It was just something I made up really quick for fun, the stamps are from Stampin Up.
You know how Tim Holtz uses the size #8 tag for so much of his artwork? What I've been buying lately from the Office Supply store is the manila 8x5 index cards (forget what they are actually called). You get something like 100 of them for $5 and they are perfect for quick pieces of artwork. If you want to make an art journal with several of them you can do that too, you can do lots of stuff with them, they just come in handy so much and you get plenty for your money. And if you don't like the tab, you just cut it off.
I can't even believe we are almost to April already, can you? This happens to me every year now, all of sudden Christmas is over, then the New Year starts, and before you know it spring is practically over. It just goes by so quickly anymore, and I know I say that all the time too.
There are a couple sites I wanted to promote today if I could, I'd love it if you're not familiar with them that you take the time to check them out for me please.
#1) Crafty Individuals out of the UK is such an amazing stamp company. They make the most beautiful stamps, and then on top of that, they make stunning papers, amazing glossy images to use in your artwork, and now they are making these tags that are so, so gorgeous. I can't even explain to you how pretty these tags are, you have to check it out yourself. http://craftyindividuals.com On top of all of that, the two people who run the company (Malcolm and Jean), they have to honestly be some of the most sweetest, kindest people I've met over the Internet since I started on this art journey of mine.
#2) I'm sure you all have heard of LILY CHILVERS by now, and if you haven't, you should have. Her blog is http://frillyunderwear.blogspot.com I mean, how cute is that title any way? The blog is called Octopode and she is this truly AMAZING artist. I'm not sure of her exact age, but I think she's either 17 or 18. When you look at her artwork you just know she is going places in the art world. I can see her ten years down the road having her artwork everywhere and doing just awesome things with it. I just received her newest line of stamps and they are so cool, I mean, they are so, so cool. You have to get them!! They are quirky, they are like nothing else you've seen before and I am so in love with them. She also does digital collage sheets and you can also order tangible collage sheets. Check her out just as soon as you can!!
#3) AlphaStamps.com is a web company here in the States run by the wonderful Leslie. She carries a little bit of this and a little bit of that. She has really great collage sheets, she has an extensive collection of metal charms and metal trinkets for your artwork (items that I have not seen anywhere else). She sells great products for jewelry making. She also has great swaps to partake in on the Yahoo Group they have and it's just a fun community of artists to play with. Go on over and browse around the site.