This is a 8x8 photo collage I recently finished. I got the photo image off one of my authentic french postcards that I bought at http://vintagecharmings.com.
The woman who runs that website, Kate, is really a nice woman and she travels between Paris and Connecticut every other week. She's always bringing back goodies from there.
I don't know what the weather is like everywhere else right now, but I know lately the east coast of the US has been socked pretty bad with snow. And here I sit in Arizona with the temperature in the 50's at night and the low to mid 70's during the day. It's like spring here right now, beautiful blue skies everyday, it literally couldn't be more beautiful. But believe me, our winter's are the reward we get for getting through the summer's here.
Am I the only one who can't believe we are almost done with January already?? It's going to be the 4th of July any minute now.