In case anyone was wondering the woman in the center of my newest collage which I have titled as "Spilt Milk" is Scarlett
Can I bitch and complain about something really quick that has nothing what-so-ever to do with artwork? I don't think a lot of people read my blog so I don't think that it really matters any way. I am just furious about this total cluster f--k of a
health care system we have here in the States. Let me just say that I'm used to dealing with Medicare and all it's BS because I've been disabled &/or on disability since 2000. So, every year when there are changes, or I have to start with another new company, or I have to constantly get prior authorizations from my Doctor I'm basically used to it. Plus, because my sole income is my Social Security Disability I'm considered low income, so the State picks up what I can't afford. Which is one good blessing in this whole, big mess.
But last year was the first year my Mom was on Medicare full throttle with this joke of a Part D
Prescription coverage. What they are doing to our senior citizens in this country is horrific. How do they expect people on a fixed Social Security income to be able to afford $5000 out of pocket expenses EVERY YEAR on prescriptions? It's as if you are being penalized for being sick or having a chronic illness. Now I'm not sure how it works exactly in Canada, the UK or France, but I've heard good and bad stories about their health care. I realize the idiots up in Washington are currently working on a new system for us which means they will be messing it up even more than they already have. The Federal government should have never gotten involved in this in the first place, because inevitably when they get involved, whatever they are involved in gets completely messed up.
Yesterday I took my Mom to this senior counseling woman who can tell you about all the different Medicare plans. Well quite frankly I left there more fed up and confused than I already was. My Mom is very involved in what is going on in Washington and she is constantly reading the paper and what not. I always tell her that if she was younger she definitely should have gone into politics. But she was telling me about several different articles that she has read on this topic that say the older generation in this country should just come to terms with the fact that they are going to die so that Health Care can focus on the younger people. Can you even believe that BS? (Excuse me my words, I'm pissed as you can tell.) I wonder how the politicians would feel if someone told them that about their Mother.
So all of this Medicare crap is so confusing my Mom kind of leaves it up to me to handle for her since I've been doing it for myself for several years now, and to be fair I pretty much volunteered myself. But it's so overwhelming and stressful, when we came home from talking to that lady yesterday I went into the bathroom and just cried for a half an hour. I of course didn't want her to see because I don't want her feeling worse than she already does, but I was so overwhelmed and stressed.
The whole thing scares the living daylights out of me. Then of course as we were leaving this woman just had to tell us "well if that bill goes through, prepare to have to pay for all your own medications in 2011." Are you kidding me, did you really have to drop that bomb on us as we were leaving?
You see my Mom and I both have arthritis, two different kinds but in the same arena. One of the medications that we both take is extremely expensive. Well I luckily, for right now any way, get mine for next to nothing because I am considered low income. But this past year for half of the year my Mom was charging on her credit card $600 to $700 for the one medication. She can't afford that, but yet according to Medicare her and my Step Father get too much from Social Security to be considered low income. It's better in this country if you are low income if you can believe that?
It's just such a mess and I am so stressed about the whole thing, but yet I have to keep my composure and not show the stress because I don't want my Mom getting upset and then her blood pressure goes through the roof. Is anyone out there having any problems like this at all? Maybe I need to become a Canadian citizen?